
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Revisiting the Transit Timing and Atmosphere Characterization of the Neptune-mass Planet HAT-P-26 b
    We present a transit-timing variation (TTV) and planetary atmosphere analysis of the Neptune-mass planet HAT-P-26 b. We present a new set of 13 transit light curves from optical ground-based observations and combine them with light curves from the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, and
    A-thano, Napaporn et al.

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  • Design and integration of a SWIR objective lens for the space-borne DRAGO-2 optical system
    We present the design of the objective lens for the DRAGO-2 optical system, a compact SWIR camera designed for the space environment. DRAGO-2 is the long-focal variant of the DRAGO (Demonstrator of Remote Analysis of Ground Observations) series, developed for the ALISIO-1 mission of the IACTEC-Space team at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
    Matia-Hernando, Paloma et al.

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  • On the making of a PN: the interaction of a multiple stellar wind with the ISM
    NGC 7293, the Helix nebula, represents one of the rare instances in which theoretical predictions of stellar evolution can be accurately tested against observations since the precise parallax distance and the velocity and proper motion of the star are well known. We present numerical simulations of the formation of the Helix PN that are fully
    Manchado, Arturo et al.

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  • RAD@home discovery of a one-sided radio jet hitting the companion galaxy
    Minkowski's Object and `Death Star galaxy' are two of the famous cases of rare instances when a radio jet has been observed to directly hit a neighbouring galaxy. RAD12, the RAD@home citizen science discovery with GMRT being presented here, is not only a new system being added to nearly half a dozen rare cases known so far but also the first case
    Hota, Ananda et al.

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  • A Rapid Response Experiment carried out by the EU NEOROCKS project
    NEOROCKS (Near-Earth Object Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations) is an European project, funded by the Horizon 2020 UE program. Its aim is to increase our knowledge of the NEO physical characterization through observations and data dissemination. NEOROCKS is an international consortium, involving Italy, France, UK, Czech
    Perozzi, Ettore et al.

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  • ATLAS-Teide: the next generation of ATLAS units for the Teide Observatory
    In this work we present the design of the ATLAS (Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System) unit that will be installed at Teide Observatory in Tenerife island (Spain). ATLAS-Teide will be built by the IAC and will operated as part of the ATLAS network in the framework of an operation and science exploitation agreement between the IAC and the
    Licandro, Javier et al.

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