
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • The three hundred project: mapping the matter distribution in galaxy clusters via deep learning from multiview simulated observations
    A galaxy cluster as the most massive gravitationally bound object in the Universe, is dominated by dark matter, which unfortunately can only be investigated through its interaction with the luminous baryons with some simplified assumptions that introduce an un-preferred bias. In this work, we, for the first time, propose a deep learning method
    de Andres, Daniel et al.

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  • Experimental measurement of the quality factor of a Fabry-Pérot open-cavity axion haloscope
    The axion is a hypothetical boson arising from the most natural solution to the problem of charge and parity symmetry in the strong nuclear force. Moreover, this pseudoscalar emerges as a dark matter candidate in a parameter space extending several decades in mass. The Dark-photons & Axion-Like particles Interferometer (DALI) is a proposal to
    Hernández-Cabrera, Juan F. et al.

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  • A Search for Faint Resolved Galaxies Beyond the Milky Way in DES Year 6: A New Faint, Diffuse Dwarf Satellite of NGC 55
    We report results from a systematic wide-area search for faint dwarf galaxies at heliocentric distances from 0.3 to 2 Mpc using the full 6 yr of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Unlike previous searches over the DES data, this search specifically targeted a field population of faint galaxies located beyond the Milky Way virial radius. We
    McNanna, M. et al.

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  • Constraining the top-light initial mass function in the extended ultraviolet disk of M 83
    Context. The universality or non-universality of the initial mass function (IMF) has significant implications for determining star formation rates and star formation histories from photometric properties of stellar populations. Aims: We reexamine whether the IMF is deficient in high-mass stars (top-light) in the low-density environment of the outer
    Rautio, R. P. V. et al.

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  • Cosmological constraints from the tomography of DES-Y3 galaxies with CMB lensing from ACT DR4
    We present a measurement of the cross-correlation between the MAGLIM galaxies selected from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) first three years of observations (Y3) and cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) Data Release 4 (DR4), reconstructed over ~ 436 deg 2 of the sky. Our galaxy sample, which covers ~
    Marques, G. A. et al.

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  • Euclid preparation. XXXI. The effect of the variations in photometric passbands on photometric-redshift accuracy
    The technique of photometric redshifts has become essential for the exploitation of multi-band extragalactic surveys. While the requirements on photometric redshifts for the study of galaxy evolution mostly pertain to the precision and to the fraction of outliers, the most stringent requirement in their use in cosmology is on the accuracy, with a
    Euclid Collaboration et al.

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