Mason, R. E.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Levenson, N. A.; Nemmen, R.; Alonso-Herrero, A.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 777, Issue 2, article id. 164, 6 pp. (2013).
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Refereed citations
We use recent high-resolution infrared (IR; 1-20 μm) photometry to
examine the origin of the IR emission in low-luminosity active galactic
nuclei (LLAGN). The data are compared with published model fits that
describe the spectral energy distribution (SED) of LLAGN in terms of an
advection-dominated accretion flow, truncated thin accretion disk, and
jet. The truncated disk in these models is usually not luminous enough
to explain the observed IR emission, and in all cases its spectral shape
is much narrower than the broad IR peaks in the data. Synchrotron
radiation from the jet appears to be important in very radio-loud
nuclei, but the detection of strong silicate emission features in many
objects indicates that dust must also contribute. We investigate this
point by fitting the IR SED of NGC 3998 using dusty torus and optically
thin (τmid-IR ~ 1) dust shell models. While more detailed
modeling is necessary, these initial results suggest that dust may
account for the nuclear mid-IR emission of many LLAGN.
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