Muñoz-Darias, T.; Casares, J.; Sánchez, D. Mata; Fender, R. P.; Padilla, M. Armas; Linares, M.; Ponti, G.; Charles, P. A.; Mooley, K. P.; Rodriguez, J.
Bibliographical reference
Nature, Volume 534, Issue 7605, pp. 75-78 (2016).
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Accretion of matter onto black holes is universally associated with
strong radiative feedback and powerful outflows. In particular,
black-hole transients have outflows whose properties are strongly
coupled to those of the accretion flow. This includes X-ray winds of
ionized material, expelled from the accretion disk encircling the black
hole, and collimated radio jets. Very recently, a distinct optical
variability pattern has been reported in the transient stellar-mass
black hole V404 Cygni, and interpreted as disrupted mass flow into the
inner regions of its large accretion disk. Here we report observations
of a sustained outer accretion disk wind in V404 Cyg, which is unlike
any seen hitherto. We find that the outflowing wind is neutral, has a
large covering factor, expands at one per cent of the speed of light and
triggers a nebular phase once accretion drops sharply and the ejecta
become optically thin. The large expelled mass
(>10‑8 solar masses) indicates that the outburst was
prematurely ended when a sizeable fraction of the outer disk was
depleted by the wind, detaching the inner regions from the rest of the
disk. The luminous, but brief, accretion phases shown by transients with
large accretion disks imply that this outflow is probably a fundamental
ingredient in regulating mass accretion onto black holes.