Guglielmino, Salvo L.; Romano, Paolo; Ruiz Cobo, Basilio; Zuccarello, Francesca; Murabito, Mariarita
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 880, Issue 1, article id. 34, 14 pp. (2019).
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Refereed citations
Recent observations of the solar photosphere revealed the presence of
elongated filamentary bright structures inside sunspot umbrae, called
umbral filaments (UFs). These features differ in morphology, magnetic
configuration, and evolution from light bridges (LBs) that are usually
observed to intrude in sunspots. To characterize a UF observed in the
umbra of the giant leading sunspot of active region NOAA 12529, we
analyze high-resolution observations taken in the photosphere with the
spectropolarimeter on board the Hinode satellite and in the upper
chromosphere and transition region with the IRIS telescope. The results
of this analysis definitely rule out the hypothesis that the UF might be
a kind of LB. In fact, we find no field-free or low-field strength
region cospatial to the UF. Conversely, we recognize the presence of a
strong horizontal field larger than 2500 G, a significant portion of the
UF with opposite polarity with respect to the surroundings, and
filaments in the upper atmospheric layers corresponding to the UF in the
photosphere. These findings suggest that this structure is the
photospheric manifestation of a flux rope hanging above the sunspot and
forming penumbral-like filaments within the umbra via
magneto-convection. This reinforces a previously proposed scenario.
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