Presentation of the reduction pipeline of the SONG échelle spectrograph

the SONG team; Pallé, P. L.; Grundahl, F.; Uytterhoeven, K.; Triviño Hage, A.
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Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.333, Issue 10, p.1107

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We give an overview of the spectral reduction pipeline that will be used to process the data of the échelle spectrograph of the SONG-OT telescope node of the SONG (Stellar Observations Network Group) network on Tenerife. In particular, we focus on the iodine absorption cell technique to derive precise radial velocity measurements. The telescope and dome of SONG-OT were installed on 23 April 2012, and first light is foreseen this autumn. The reduction pipeline will be tested, optimized and improved when real stellar data will become available.
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