Tavecchio, F.; Becerra-González, J.; Ghisellini, G.; Stamerra, A.; Bonnoli, G.; Foschini, L.; Maraschi, L.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 534, id.A86
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The flat-spectrum radio quasar PKS 1222+216 (4C+21.35, z = 0.432) was
detected in the very high energy γ-ray band by MAGIC during a
highly active γ-ray phase following an alert by the Large Area
Telescope (LAT) onboard Fermi. Its relatively hard spectrum (70-400 GeV
photon index Γ = 2.7 ± 0.3) without a cut off, together
with its observed variability on a timescale of ~10 min challenges
standard emission models. In particular, if the emission originates in a
portion of the relativistic jet located inside the broad line region
(BLR), severe absorption of γ rays above a few tens of GeV is
expected to be caused by the γγ → e ±
process. These observations therefore imply that there is a very
compact (Rb ~ 5 × 1014 cm) and rapidly
moving blob located far beyond the BLR radius (to avoid the gamma-ray
absorption through pair production) that is responsible for the rapidly
varying high energy flux. However, the long-term (day-week) coherent
evolution of the GeV flux recorded by LAT indicates that there could
also be a substantial contribution from another, larger emission region.
We model the spectral energy distribution of PKS 1222+216 during the
epoch of the MAGIC detection assuming three different scenarios, namely:
(1) a one-zone model considering only the emission from a compact blob
outside the BLR; (2) a two-zone model consisting of a compact blob plus
an emitting region encompassing the whole jet cross-section located
outside the BLR; and (3) a two-zone model with the jet emitting region
inside the BLR. In all cases we find that the high-energy emission from
the compact blob is dominated by the inverse Compton scattering of the
infrared thermal radiation of the dusty torus. Furthermore, both regions
are matter-dominated, with the Poynting flux providing a negligible
contribution to the total jet power. These results do not support models
in which the compact blob is the result of reconnection events inside
the jet or "needles" of high-energy electrons accelerated close to the
BH. The observational framework and our radiative models might instead
be compatible with scenarios in which the jet is re-collimated and
focussed at large distances from the central BH.