The Lupus Transit Survey for Hot Jupiters: Results and Lessons

Bayliss, Daniel D. R.; Weldrake, David T. F.; Sackett, Penny D.; Tingley, Brandon W.; Lewis, Karen M.
Bibliographical reference

The Astronomical Journal, Volume 137, Issue 5, pp. 4368-4376 (2009).

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We present the results of a deep, wide-field transit survey targeting "Hot Jupiter" planets in the Lupus region of the Galactic plane conducted over 53 nights concentrated in two epochs separated by a year. Using the Australian National University 40-inch telescope at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO), the survey covered a 0.66 deg2 region close to the Galactic plane (b = 11°) and monitored a total of 110,372 stars (15.0 <= V <= 22.0). Using difference imaging photometry, 16,134 light curves with a photometric precision of σ < 0.025 mag were obtained. These light curves were searched for transits, and four candidates were detected that displayed low-amplitude variability consistent with a transiting giant planet. Further investigations, including spectral typing and radial velocity measurements for some candidates, revealed that of the four, one is a true planetary companion (Lupus-TR-3), two are blended systems (Lupus-TR-1 and 4), and one is a binary (Lupus-TR-2). The results of this successful survey are instructive for optimizing the observational strategy and follow-up procedure for deep searches for transiting planets, including an upcoming survey using the SkyMapper telescope at SSO.
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