Orienti, M.; Murgia, M.; Dallacasa, D.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 402, Issue 3, pp. 1892-1898.
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Refereed citations
We present the results from multifrequency VLBA observations from 327MHz
to 8.4GHz of the gigahertz-peaked spectrum radio source PKS1518+047
(4C04.51) aimed at studying the spectral index distribution across the
source. Further multifrequency archival Very Large Array data were
analysed to constrain the spectral shape of the whole source. The
pc-scale resolution provided by the VLBA data allows us to resolve the
source structure in several subcomponents. The analysis of their
synchrotron spectra showed that the source components have steep
spectral indices, suggesting that no supply/re-acceleration of fresh
particles is currently taking place in any region of the source. By
assuming the equipartition magnetic field of 4 mG, we found that only
electrons with γ <= 600 are still contributing to the radio
spectrum, while electrons with higher energies have almost been
completely depleted. The source radiative lifetime we derived is 2700
+/- 600years. Considering the best fit to the overall spectrum, we find
that the time in which the nucleus has not been active represents almost
20 per cent of the whole source lifetime, indicating that the source was
2150 +/- 500 year old when the radio emission switched off.
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