Investigation of high energy γ-rays accompanying spontaneous fission of 252Cf in double and triple neutron-γ coincidences

Eremin, N. V.; Markochev, S. S.; Paskhalov, A. A.; Mandaglio, G.; Manganaro, M.; Fazio, G.; Giardina, G.; Romaniuk, M. V.
Bibliographical reference

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 282, Issue 1, article id. 012017, 7 pp. (2011).

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The high energy bremsstrahlung γ-rays accompanying the spontaneous fission of 252 Cf were measured in the 10-70 MeV energy range. The photons were detected by two BGO scintillator detectors (ø7.6cm × 7.6cm) in coincidence with neutrons detected by plastic scintillator detector, in the 90° and 180° geometry of the two BGO detectors with respect to the axis of the plastic scintillator. The distance from the 252Cf source to the BGO detectors was 10 cm, and the one to the plastic detector was 50 cm. The fast digital shape analysis technique and the time-of-flight method were used to reject pile-up effects and cosmic ray background. The γ-ray emission probability of 3 × 10-8photon/(MeV × fission) at Eγ = 70 MeV was obtained.