High-frequency waves in the corona due to null points

Santamaria, I. C.; Khomenko, E.; Collados, M.; de Vicente, A.
Bibliographical reference

Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 602, id.A43, 5 pp.

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This work aims to understand the behavior of non-linear waves in the vicinity of a coronal null point. In previous works we have shown that high-frequency waves are generated in such a magnetic configuration. This paper studies those waves in detail in order to provide a plausible explanation of their generation. We demonstrate that slow magneto-acoustic shock waves generated in the chromosphere propagate through the null point and produce a train of secondary shocks that escape along the field lines. A particular combination of the shock wave speeds generates waves at a frequency of 80 mHz. We speculate that this frequency may be sensitive to the atmospheric parameters in the corona and therefore can be used to probe the structure of this solar layer. Movies attached to Figs 2 and 4 are available at http://www.aanda.org
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