Kundert, A.; Gastaldello, F.; D'Onghia, E.; Girardi, M.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Barrena, R.; Corsini, E. M.; De Grandi, S.; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Lozada-Muñoz, M.; Méndez-Abreu, J.; Sánchez-Janssen, R.; Wilcots, E.; Zarattini, S.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 454, Issue 1, p.161-176
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Refereed citations
We present the first pointed X-ray observations of 10 candidate fossil
galaxy groups and clusters. With these Suzaku observations, we determine
global temperatures and bolometric X-ray luminosities of the
intracluster medium (ICM) out to r500 for six systems in our
sample. The remaining four systems show signs of significant
contamination from non-ICM sources. For the six objects with
successfully determined r500 properties, we measure global
temperatures in the range 2.8 ≤ TX ≤ 5.3 keV,
bolometric X-ray luminosities of 0.8 × 1044 ≤
LX, bol ≤ 7.7 × 1044 erg s-1,
and estimate masses, as derived from TX, of M500
≳ 1014 M⊙. Fossil cluster scaling
relations are constructed for a sample that combines our Suzaku observed
fossils with fossils in the literature. Using measurements of global
X-ray luminosity, temperature, optical luminosity, and velocity
dispersion, scaling relations for the fossil sample are then compared
with a control sample of non-fossil systems. We find the fits of our
fossil cluster scaling relations are consistent with the relations for
normal groups and clusters, indicating fossil clusters have global ICM
X-ray properties similar to those of comparable mass non-fossil systems.
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