Rigopoulou, D.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Magdis, G. E.; Cooray, A.; Farrah, D.; Marques-Chaves, R.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Riechers, D.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 1, p.20-29
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Refereed citations
In an earlier paper we modelled the far-infrared emission from a
star-forming galaxy using the photoionization code CLOUDY and presented
metallicity sensitive diagnostics based on far-infrared fine structure
line ratios. Here, we focus on the applicability of the [O III] 88
μm/[N II] 122 μm line ratio as a gas-phase metallicity indicator
in high-redshift submillimetre luminous galaxies. The [O III] 88
μm/[N II] 122 μm ratio is strongly dependent on the ionization
parameter (which is related to the total number of ionizing photons) and
on the gas electron density. We demonstrate how the ratio of 88/122
μm continuum flux measurements can provide a reasonable estimate of
the ionization parameter, while the availability of the [N II] 205 μm
line can constrain the electron density. Using the [O III] 88 μm/[N
II] 122 μm line ratios from a sample of nearby normal and
star-forming galaxies, we measure their gas-phase metallicities and find
that their mass-metallicity relation is consistent with the one derived
using optical emission lines. Using new, previously unpublished,
Herschel spectroscopic observations of key far-infrared fine structure
lines of the z ∼ 3 galaxy HLSW-01 and additional published
measurements of far-infrared fine structure lines of high-z
submillimetre luminous galaxies, we derive gas-phase metallicities using
their [O III] 88 μm/[N II] 122 μm line ratio. We find that the
metallicities of these z ∼ 3 submm-luminous galaxies are consistent
with solar metallicities and that they appear to follow the
mass-metallicity relation expected for z ∼ 3 systems.
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