The extended structure of the dwarf irregular galaxy Sagittarius

Beccari, G.; Bellazzini, M.; Fraternali, F.; Battaglia, G.; Perina, S.; Sollima, A.; Oosterloo, T. A.; Testa, V.; Galleti, S.
Bibliographical reference

Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 570, id.A78, 11 pp.

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We present a detailed study of the stellar and H i structure of the dwarf irregular galaxy Sagittarius. We use new deep and wide field photometry to trace the surface brightness profile of the galaxy out to ≃5.0' (corresponding to ≃1600 pc) and down to μV ≃ 30.0 mag/arcsec2, thus showing that the stellar body of the galaxy is much more extended than previously believed, and it is similarly (or more) extended than the overall H i distribution. The whole major-axis profile is consistent with a pure exponential, with a scale radius of ≃340 pc. The surface density maps reveal that the distribution of old and intermediate-age stars is smooth and remarkably flattened out to its edges, while the associated H i has a much rounder shape, is off-centred and presents multiple density maxima and a significant hole. No clear sign of systemic rotation is detectable in the complex H i velocity field. No metallicity gradient is detected in the old and intermediate age population of the galaxy, and we confirm that this population has a much more extended distribution than young stars (age ≲ 1 Gyr). Based on data obtained with the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope, Paranal, Chile, under the Program 089.D-0052(A).Table of stellar photometry (IN6) is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
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