Vranjes, J.; Kono, M.
Bibliographical reference
Physics of Plasmas, Volume 22, Issue 1, id.012105
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Inhomogeneous plasmas and fluids contain energy stored in inhomogeneity
and they naturally tend to relax into lower energy states by developing
instabilities or by diffusion. But the actual amount of energy in such
inhomogeneities has remained unknown. In the present work, the amount of
energy stored in a density gradient is calculated for several specific
density profiles in a cylindrical configuration. This is of practical
importance for drift wave instability in various plasmas, and, in
particular, in its application in models dealing with the heating of
solar corona because the instability is accompanied with stochastic
heating, so the energy contained in inhomogeneity is effectively
transformed into heat. It is shown that even for a rather moderate
increase of the density at the axis in magnetic structures in the corona
by a factor 1.5 or 3, the amount of excess energy per unit volume stored
in such a density gradient becomes several orders of magnitude greater
than the amount of total energy losses per unit volume (per second) in
quiet regions in the corona. Consequently, within the life-time of a
magnetic structure such energy losses can easily be compensated by the
stochastic drift wave heating.
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