Eff-Darwich, A.; Korzennik, S. G.; Jiménez-Reyes, S. J.; García, R. A.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 679, Issue 2, pp. 1636-1643.
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Refereed citations
Accurate determination of the rotation rate in the radiative zone of the
Sun from helioseismic observations requires rotational frequency
splittings of exceptional quality as well as reliable inversion
techniques. Here we present inferences based on mode parameters
calculated from 2088 day MDI, GONG, and GOLF time series that were
fitted to estimate very low frequency rotational splittings (ν<1.7
mHz). These low-frequency modes provide data of exceptional quality,
since the width of the mode peaks is much smaller than the rotational
splitting, and hence it is much easier to separate the rotational
splittings from the effects caused by the finite lifetime and the
stochastic excitation of the modes. We have also implemented a new
inversion methodology that allows us to infer the rotation rate of the
radiative interior from mode sets that span l=1 to 25. Our results are
compatible with the Sun rotating like a rigid solid in most of the
radiative zone, and slowing down in the core
(r/Rsolar<0.2). A resolution analysis of the inversion was
carried out for the solar rotation inverse problem. This analysis
effectively establishes a direct relationship between the mode set
included in the inversion and the sensitivity and information content of
the resulting inferences. We show that such an approach allows us to
determine the effect of adding low-frequency and low-degree p-modes,
high-frequency and low-degree p-modes, and some g-modes on the derived
rotation rate in the solar radiative zone, and in particular the solar
core. We conclude that the level of uncertainty that is needed to infer
the dynamical conditions in the core when only p-modes are included is
unlikely to be reached in the near future, and hence sustained efforts
are needed toward the detection and characterization of g-modes.
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