z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies. II. Dust properties
We present the dust properties of 125 bright Herschel galaxies selected from the z-GAL NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey. All the galaxies have precise...
z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies. III. Physical properties
The z-GAL survey observed 137 bright Herschel-selected targets with the IRAM Northern Extended Millimeter Array, with the aim to measure their redshift and...
Zeeman effect in sulfur monoxide. A tool to probe magnetic fields in star forming regions
Context. Magnetic fields play a fundamental role in star formation processes and the best method to evaluate their intensity is to measure the Zeeman effect of...
We explain the linear polarization of the Ca ii infrared triplet observed close to the edge of the solar disk. In particular, we demonstrate that the physical...
Zero-metallicity Hypernova Uncovered by an Ultra-metal-poor Star in the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Although true metal-free "Population III" stars have so far escaped discovery, their nature, and that of their supernovae, is revealed in the chemical products...
The formation time scales of quiescent galaxies can be estimated in two different ways: by their star formation history and by their chemistry. Previously, the...
Zodiacal light photopolarimetry. I - Observations, reductions, disturbing phenomena, accuracy. II - Gradients along the ecliptic and the phase functions of interplanetary matter