Nuclear rings located within the central 1-2 kiloparsecs of barred spiral galaxies are often found to contain a large fraction of the total star formation...
The Schrodinger-Virasoro Lie group and algebra: from geometry to representation theory
This article is concerned with an extensive study of an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra $mathfrak{sv}$, introduced in the context of non-equilibrium...
The science of extra-solar planets is one of the most rapidly changing areas of astrophysics and since 1995 the number of planets known has increased by almost...
OSIRIS (Optical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy) is designed as an optical Day One instrument for the GTC. This versatile...
Elmer is a visible imager-spectrograph currently scheduled to be in operation at the GTC on Day One. The instrument will allow imaging over a 4.2 arcminute...