OTELO, (OSIRIS Tunable Emission Line Object Survey), will survey emission line objects using OSIRIS tunable filters in selected atmospheric windows relatively...
OSIRIS is the Spanish Day One instrument for the GTC 10.4-m telescope. OSIRIS is a general purpose instrument for imaging, low-resolution long slit and multi...
The evolution of galaxies across the cosmic time are observationally studied by means of extragalactic surveys that cover significant volumes of Universe, with...
OTELO is an ultradeep, 2D-spectroscopic (R$\sim$700) blind survey, defined on a window of 210 Å centred at 9175 Å targeting a region of the Extended Groth Field...
The OTELO survey as morphological probe of galaxy evolution in the last 10 Gyr
OTELO (OSIRIS Tunable filter Emission Line Objects) is an emission-line object survey covering a spectral range between 9070 and 9280Å in a window of reduced...
The Outer Disks of GALAXIES:``TO BE or not to BE TRUNCATED?''
We have in recent years come to view the outer parts of galaxies as having vital clues about their formation and evolution. Here, we would like to briefly...
The Outer Structure of Galactic Disks: Connections Between Bars, Disks, and Environments
Surface brightness profiles for early type (S0-Sb) disks exhibit three main classes (Type I, II, and III). Type II profiles are more common in barred galaxies...
The outflows from the symbiotic nebulae He 2--147 and HM SGE
Symbiotic stars, which are interacting binary stars usually composed by a late type giant and a very hot/luminous white dwarf, are a powerful laboratory to...