On the basis of astrometric and spectroscopic data we argue that the ultramassive white dwarf GD 50 is associated with the star formation event that created the...
The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias is undertaken the necessary steps towards the construction of a new technology 8 metre class telescope to be installed...
The ORP on-sky community access program for adaptive optics instrumentation development
On-sky testing of new instrumentation concepts is required before they can be incorporated within facility-class instrumentation with certainty that they will...
The Osiris Tunable Imager and Spectrograph: a 2004 Status Report
OSIRIS (Optical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy) is the optical Day one instrument for the GTC and the only Spanish Day One...
OTELO, (OSIRIS Tunable Emission Line Object Survey), will survey emission line objects using OSIRIS tunable filters in selected atmospheric windows relatively...
OSIRIS is the Spanish Day One instrument for the GTC 10.4-m telescope. OSIRIS is a general purpose instrument for imaging, low-resolution long slit and multi...
The OTELO Project is an extragalactic survey under way using the tunable filters of the instrument OSIRIS at the GTC. OTELO is already providing the deepest...
OTELO is an ultradeep, 2D-spectroscopic (R$\sim$700) blind survey, defined on a window of 210 Å centred at 9175 Å targeting a region of the Extended Groth Field...
The evolution of galaxies across the cosmic time are observationally studied by means of extragalactic surveys that cover significant volumes of Universe, with...