Near-Infrared J H K images are presented for a small sample of HII galaxies observed at UKIRT. Based on NIR colours, comparison with the stellar population...
The Near-Infrared S0 Survey: A Study of Bar Strengths in Early-Type Galaxies
The Near-Infrared S0 Survey (NIRS0S; Laurikainen, Salo, and Buta 2005, MNRAS, 362, 1319) is an attempt to obtain a statistically well-defined database of images...
A new near-infrared camera, SHARP (System for High Angular Resolution Pictures), has been used at the 3.5m ESO NTI' to produce near-diffraction-limited K-band...
The Necklace planetary nebula: equatorial and polar outflows from a post-common-envelope system
We present the discovery of a new planetary nebula from the IPHAS survey. The remarkable morphology of its inner regions, which display a bright knotty ring...
The need for very high resolution spectroscopy for the study of hot subdwarfs
Hot subdwarf stars (hot sds) are blue subluminous objects at high galactic latitudes. They split into two well-separated spectroscopic sequences: the O (sdOs)...
The neutron star transient SAX J1810.8-2609 going back to quiescence
We observed the neutron star transient SAX J1810.8-2609 with Swift-XRT on November 3rd and 5th, in order to follow its way to quiescence. The source was not...
The neutron star transient XTE J1701-407 has returned to quiescence after a 3-year long outburst
The neutron star low-mass X-ray binary and long thermonuclear burst source XTE J1701-407 (ATel #1618) has been active ever since its discovery in 2008 June...