The Magellanic Clouds Field Population Chemical Enrichment History
We report the results of our project devoted to study the chemical enrichment history of the field population in the Magellanic Clouds using Ca 0 triplet...
The MAGIC Telescope and the Observation of Gamma Ray Bursts
The MAGIC telescope, with many technological innovations which allow the telescope to have a low energy threshold and a very fast slewing time, could be one of...
The MAGIC telescope for gamma-ray astronomy above 30 GeV
The MAGIC telescope, presently at its commissioning phase, will become fully operative by the end of 2003. Placed at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM...
The magnetic field in the convection zone as a link between the active regions on the surface and the field in the solar interior
Recent developments in the theory of the rise of magnetic flux from the bottom of the convection zone to the surface to produce active regions are reviewed...
The Magnetic Field of Solar Chromospheric Spicules
A suitable diagnostic tool for investigating the magnetism of the solar chromosphere is the observation and theoretical modeling of the Hanle and Zeeman effects...
Determining the magnetic field of solar spicules is vital for developing adequate models of these plasma jets, which are thought to play a key role in the...
The magnetic fields of the quiet solar photosphere
We report on a novel investigation of the complex magnetism of the quiet Sun which is based on a realistic three-dimensional modeling of the Hanle effect.