Traditionally, the study of the structural parameters of galaxies have been used to understand the bulge formation processes. However, one piece lost in this...
The Ionization Structure of a Sample of Wind-Driven Nebulae
We are conducting a study on the energetics and dynamical evolution of the final stages of intermediate and massive stars. Our project includes the study of the...
The ionized gas in and around the Wolf-Rayet galaxy NGC 1741
Interaction can be the main mechanism that triggers star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. The compact group HCG 31 has one of this objects, NGC 1741. We...
The ionized intergalactic gas: baryonic dark matter.
We use Hα measurements of complete sets of HII regions in disc galaxies to compute the fraction of ionizing photons which escape from them using the hypothesis...
We determine the Fe abundances for several blue compact and emission-line galaxies. The O/Fe abundance ratios are found to increase with the metallicity of the...
The iron and oxygen abundances in the metal-poor star HD 140283 and in the Sun
We present the results of a theoretical investigation of the impact of NLTE effects and of granulation inhomogeneities on the iron and oxygen abundances in the...
The irregular limb of Manoetius South Pole and Improved Orbital Solution (extended analysis)
In 2033, after a 12-year trip across the Solar System, NASA's Lucy mission will arrive at the Patroclus─Menoetius binary system, in Jupiter's L5 cloud. On its...