The Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and AGN: The La Palma Connection
In May 2001 over 100 astronomers flew in from around the globe for an astronomical research conference on the central kiloparsec of starbursts and AGN...
We study the innermost regions of bulges with surface-brightness data derived from combined HST/NICMOS and ground-based NIR profiles. Bulge profiles to 1--2 kpc...
The central parsecs of AGN across the electromagnetic spectrum
High angular resolution observations across the electromagnetic spectrum of the nearest AGN are providing a view of the nuclear region rather different from-...
The Century Survey is a photometric survey strip from which we select blue stars to probe the Milky Way halo. We obtain S/N=30 spectra for every star with (V-R)
The Cepheid Variable Population in the Local Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy Pegasus
We present the result of a search for Cepheids in the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy Pegasus. We identified 20 Cepheid stars with periods 0.6d P 15.3d...
The Challenges of Observing, Calibrating, and Modeling Stellar Spectral Energy Distributions
While optical and quantum efficiency are on the rise, and spectrographs becoming massively multiplexed, measuring spectral energy distributions of astronomical...
The ChaMP: Robust X-ray Source Detection Techniques and Preliminary Results
We present reliable, serendipitous x-ray detections found in three different deep ACIS imaging fields in two different energy bandpasses. We ran the Chandra X...