We have searched for possible sites in Argentina for the installation of large air Cherenkov telescope arrays and water Cherenkov systems. At present seven...
Size and Fraction of Active Surface Area of Some Jupiter Family Comets: Impl ications with Respect to their Physical Evolution
We analyze the sample of measured nuclear magnitudes of the observed Jupiter Family comets (taken as those with orbital periods P 20 years and Tisserand...
Size Evolution of Galaxies Since Z~3:COMBINING SDSS, GEMS and Fires
We present the evolution of the luminosity size and stellar mass size relations of luminous (LV > 3.4×1010h70 -2L&sun;) and of massive (M★ >3×1010h70 -2M&sun;)...
We present the preliminary results of cosmological simulation focused on the study of the size and velocity dispersion time evolution. We have study the main...
The new generation of ground-based, large-aperture solar telescopes promises to significantly increase our capabilities to understand the many basic phenomena...
Visual, scaled comparisons are made among prominent volcanic, tectonic, crater and impact basin features photographed on various planets and moons in the solar...
Comets add a sense of surprise and freshness to the predictability and seeming timelessness of the visible cosmos. Some of these mists of dust and fl uorescing...