Secular Evolution of Bulges Induced by Satellite Accretion
Satellite accretion events have been invoked for mimicking the internal secular evolutionary processes of bulge growth tep{Kormendy04}. In order to investigate...
Secular evolution of stellar bars, vertical instabilities and starbursts
Vertical instabilities, buckling, in stellar bars weaken and shorten the bar. This can interrupt the bar-induced gas inflow into the central kpc of a galaxy for...
Secular measurements of the solar gravitational redshift (1976 - 2011)
The solar spectrophotometer "Mark-I", located at the Observatorio del Teide and continuously operated for the latest 36, provides a high precision measurement...
SED fitting of nearby galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey
We compute UV to radio continuum spectral energy distributions of 51 nearby galaxies recently observed with SPIRE onboard Herschel and present infrared colours...
Seeing and ground meteorology forecast for site quality and observatory operations
The quality of astronomical observations is strongly related to the quality properties of the atmosphere. This parameter is important for the determination of...
We present seeing measurements from Mt. Holomon (Chalkidiki, Greece), a possible site for the establishment of a new University of Thessaloniki Observatory...
Seeking Chemical and Kinematic Correlations within the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal
We explore the possibility that the old and intermediate-age, populations within the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy exhibit distinct kinematic and chemical...
Seeking footprints of the primeval Universe in dwarf galaxies
We present the star formation histories (SFHs) of four isolated dwarf galaxies, Cetus, Tucana, LGS-3, and Phoenix, as a function of galactocentric radius. Our...