We report optical and near-infrared (NIR) observations of the field containing the neutron star X-ray transient XTE J1739-285 (IAUC #7300, ATel #622). The...
Optical and NIR Spectroscopic analysis of OB Stars
OB stars are very active actors shaping their environment and contributing to the chemical and dynamical evolution of their host galaxies. Accurate analyses of...
Optical and NIR spectroscopic analysis of OB stellar atmospheres
OB stars are very active actors shaping their environment and contributing to the chemical and dynamical evolution of their host galaxies. Accurate analyses of...
Optical Classification of IRAS Post-AGB Candidates
We present the first results of a survey carried out on a sample of optically bright post-AGB candidates selected from the IRAS Point Source Catalogue, many of...
Optical coating facilities at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
The Instrumentation Division of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is involved since several years in upgrading its capacities to design and...
Optical coating facilities at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
The Instrumentation Division of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is involved since several years in upgrading its capacities to design and...
Optical configuration of the Gran Telescopio Canarias
The future large telescope for the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos will have a 10 m diameter segmented primary made of hexagonal elements (similar to...