Observation and analysis of chromospheric magnetic fields .
The solar chromosphere is a vigorously dynamic region of the sun, where waves and magnetic fields play an important role. To improve chromospheric diagnostics...
Observation and Upper Limits of GRBs with the MAGIC Telescope
After three years since the beginning of operation, the MAGIC telescope could observe several GRB events in the prompt and early afterglow phase. Thanks to its...
Observation of gamma ray bursts at very high energies with the MAGIC telescope
The detection of the Very High Energy (VHE) emission from Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) is desired, as it will provide an unprecedented opportunity to enlighten the...
Observation of GRBs by the MAGIC Telescope, Status and Outlook
The MAGIC Telescope is the only IACT suited for the observation of GRBs. Thanks to its fast repositioning time and low energy threshold, MAGIC has been able to...
After three years since the beginning of operation, the MAGIC telescope could observe several GRB events in the prompt and early afterglow phase. Thanks to its...
The present volume discusses topics associated with the very early universe, primordial nucleosynthesis, big bang nucleosynthesis and light-element abundances...