ESPRESSO is a fiber feed ultrastable High Resolution Spectrograph designed to work in the Combined-Coudé focus of Very Large Telescopes (VLT). A high resolution...
Meridional circulation from the equator to the poles is found by applying ring diagram analysis to helioseismic data. The data are SOI/MDI Dopplergrams taken...
Mesospheric sodium monitoring for laser guide star
The experimental study of sodium layer is relevant to fields such as adaptive optics, in particular for laser guide star generation. We have developed an...
This chapter reviews our current knowledge of metal-poor ultracool dwarfs with spectral types later than M7. The current census of M, L, and T subdwarfs is...
Metal-poor solar-type stars spectroscopy and masses (Sousa+, 2011)
The stellar parameters were determined using an LTE analysis based on equivalent widths (EW) of iron lines and by imposing excitation and ionization equilibrium...
Metal-poor ultracool dwarfs (ultracool subdwarfs, including very-low-mass stars and brown dwarfs) are tracers of the pristine chemical composition at early...
Metal-rich end of galactic chemical evolution: oxygen abundances from [OI] 6300, OI 7771 5 and near-UV OH.
We present a detailed and uniform study of oxygen abundances in a large set of 155 metal-rich dwarfs. EW measurements were carried out for the [OI] 6300 Å line...