We report on optical spectroscopy of the black hole candidate MAXI J1305-704 (ATel #4024; #4030) using SALT and the Robert Stobie Spectrograph. On 2012 April 15...
It was recently reported that the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1659-152 has faded to an X-ray flux (0.5-10 keV) of 3.0e-13 ergs cm-2 s-1 (ATel #3506...
We report on a pointed RXTE/PCA observation of the transient source MAXI J1659-152 (Atel #2873,#2874,#2875,#2877,#2880 GCN #11296,#11299, #11307 - initially...
We observed the optical counterpart of MAXI J1836-194 (Negoro et al., ATel#3611; Kennea et al., ATel#3613) with the 82cm IAC80 telescope at the Observatorio del...
Review of the book: Orientaciones astronómicas en la arquitectura Maya de las Tierras Bajas by Pedro Francisco Sánchez Nava and Ivan Šprajc (Instituto Nacional...
Mean field exact solutions showing charge density wave crossover at low fillings in the fractional quantum Hall regime
A general analytical framework for the determination of the mean field states at arbitrary rational filling factors for the 2DEG in FQHE regime is given. Its...