Influence of Coronal EUV Irradiance on the Stokes Profiles of the He I 10830 Å Multiplet
One of the most useful spectral windows for spectropolarimetric investigations of the solar chromosphere is the one provided by the spectral lines of the He I...
Influence of longitudinal structure in the fast modes of prominence threads
Recent high-resolution observations have pointed out that prominences are made of small threads (also named fibrils) piled up to form the body of the prominence...
Influence of the magnetic cycle on the excitation of solar-like acoustic modes
The Sun's convective envelope generates, by dynamo effect, a surface magnetic field whose strength evolves on an 11-year cycle, with a change in polarity at the...
Influence of the Paschen-Back effect on the results of polarimetric inversions of the He I 10830 Å triplet
The He I triplet at 10830 Å has a great potential for determining the magnetic field vector in the upper chromosphere. The triplet is Zeeman sensitive (Landé...
Influence of Unresolved Optically-Thin Irregularities on Quiet Sun Magnetic Field Determinations
Observations and theory both point out that the magnetic photosphere is not smooth but irregular at optically-thin scales. The relevance of these irregularities...
What do we understand of the birth and death of stars? What is the nature of the tiny dust grains that permeate our Galaxy and other galaxies? And how likely is...