High resolution H i imaging of VIRGOHI 21 - a dark galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
Dark Matter supposedly dominates the extragalactic Universe, yet no totally dark structure of galactic proportions has ever been convincingly identified...
High resolution Halpha spectroscopy and R-band photometry of Swift J1357.2-0933
We report on high resolution Halpha spectroscopy and time-resolved photometry of the optical counterpart to the X-ray transient Swift J1357.2-0933 in outburst...
High resolution images of the embedded cluster associated with GM24.
High resolution visual and IR images of the embedded young cluster associated with the molecular cloud and "blister" H II region GM24 are presented. The cluster...
High resolution imaging and polarimetry with SUNRISE, a balloon-borne stratospheric solar observatory
SUNRISE is an international collaboration for the development and operation of a meter-class balloon-borne stratospheric solar observatory. Prime science goal...
High resolution monitoring of 9P/Tempel 1 at La Palma during the flyby of DEEP IMPACT
On July 4 2005 the NASA spacecraft Deep Impact delivered an impactor on the comet 9P Tempel 1 to study the material underneath the surface of the nucleus A...