The black hole X-ray binary (BHXB) GX 339-4 continues to fade in the optical, and has now reached its faintest optical flux since (at least) the start of its...
GX 339-4 back in the hard state: optical observations reveal the return of the jet
The transient black hole candidate GX 339-4 has been in outburst since January 2010 (ATel #2380, #2384, #2455, #2459, #2525) and made a transition from the hard...
GX 339-4 is back in a faint state close to quiescence
The black hole candidate GX 339-4 has spent more than one year in outburst. It entered outburst in 2010 January (ATel #2380, #2384), brightened in the hard...
GX 339-4 is rising into outburst, and a deep optical quiescent magnitude observed by Faulkes Telescope South
We report a gradual (~ 1 mag in 50 days) optical re-brightening of the black hole X-ray binary, GX 339-4. We have been monitoring the source with the 2-m...
H I observations of the starburst galaxy Tol 9 within the Klemola 13 group
The galaxy group Klemola 13 is composed of at least seven independent members including the starburst galaxy Tol 9. Our analysis using optical/NIR and Ha...
H I observations of two starburst galaxies in probable interaction
We propose to perform H I observations of two starburst galaxies that show optical interaction features with surrounding objects and for which we have both...
High-resolution maps of the spiral galaxies NGC 3992 and NGC 4321, obtained with the Taurus camera at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope are analyzed. The...