We explore the metallicity dependence of granulation parameters for thousands of red giants observed with Kepler, and find a significant dependence of...
Granule and Supergranule properties derived from solar timeseries
In this paper we mainly aim at the understanding of temporal evolution and spatial characterization of solar granular and supergranular features. For this...
Gravitational Lenses and the Hubble Constant: Present and Future
The best studied gravitational lens is the Twin QSO Q0957+561, and as a result of recent advances in observations and modelling, a ten percent measurement of...
Gravitational microlensing effects on the broad emission lines of quasars .
Multiple images of QSOs are formed when the gravitational field of an intervening galaxy bends the trajectories of the light rays. The granulation of the lens...
Gravitational versus kinetic shifts in the radiation from accretion disks.
The radiation of light from matter rotating in the vicinitiy of compact objects (neutron stars or black holes) is expected to be affected from significant...
Gravitationally Induced Inflow in Starbursts and AGN
There is considerable evidence that the circumnuclear regions of galaxies are intimately related to their host galaxies, most directly through their bars. There...