Galaxy structure: core radii and central mass deficits
We investigate the nuclear and global structure of early-type galaxies, and the apparent disparity between the Nuker and Sersic models for radial light profiles...
Galaxy Structure: Core Radii, and Central Mass Deficits
We investigate the nuclear and global structure of elliptical galaxies, and the apparent disparity between the Nuker and Sérsic light-profile models. We show...
Galaxy-galaxy interactions and star formation activity in hierarchical scenarios
Using hydrodynamical simulations in a cosmological Λ-CDM model, we investigate the role played by mergers and interactions in the regulation of star formation...
GALEP, Spectral Mapping of the Inner Galaxy with EMIR
We propose to use EMIR to obtain near IR spectroscopy of many thousands Galaxy sources, mainly located in the inner regions. These will be selected from their...
Gamma-ray burst observations with new generation imaging atmospheric Cerenkov Telescopes in the FERMI era
After the launch and successful beginning of operations of the FERMI satellite, the topics related to high-energy observations of gamma-ray bursts have obtained...
Gamma-ray line emission from OB associations and young open clusters
OB associations and young open clusters constitute the most prolific nucleosynthesis sites in our Galaxy. The combined activity of stellar winds and core...