Freeform active mirror designed for additive manufacturing
A possible answer to the challenge brought by the construction of the next generation 40 m-class telescopes was the case study of FAME (Freeform Active Mirror...
Frequencies and oscillation modes of variable stars in σ Orionis and NGC 6811
We study photometric variable stars in two open clusters of very different age: σ Orionis (τ ˜ 3 Ma, d ˜ 385 pc) and NGC 6811 (τ ˜ 600 Ma, d ˜ 1000 pc). In NGC...
Frequencies and splittings of low-degree acoustic modes: a comparison between MDI and GOLF observations
During the years 1996 through 1998 the MDI and GOLF experiments on the SOHO mission have provided unique and nearly uninterrupted sequences of helioseismic...
Frequencies, Linewidths, and Splittings of Low-Degree Solar p-Modes
The measurement of frequencies, linewidths, and splittings of low degree solar p-modes is a difficult task due, firstly, to time scales involved and, secondly...