Extending the Methods Used to Calibrate ISO to the GTC
An accurate and traceable photometric calibration is becoming increasingly important for large telescopes if they are to reach their full potential. The...
Extension of the Ca II Triplet Calibration as a Metallicity Indicator to Young and/or Metal-rich Systems: Application to the LMC
The Ca II triplet is one of the most frequently measured features for deriving stellar metallicities from moderate resolution spectroscopy of red giants in old...
Extension of the Virasoro and Neveu-Schwartz algebras and generalized Sturm-Liouville operators
We consider the universal central extension of the Lie algebra $Vect (S^1)${math s}$ C^{infty}(S^1)$. The coadjoint representation of this Lie algebra has a...
Extensions and contractions of the Lie algebra of q-pseudodifferential symbols
We construct cocycles on the Lie algebra of pseudo- and q-pseudodifferential symbols of one variable and on their close relatives: the sine-algebra and the...
Extensions of Virasoro group and Virasoro algebra by modules of tensor-densities on $S^1$
We classify non-trivial (non-central) extensions of the group $Diff^+(S^1)$ of all diffeomorphisms of the circle preserving its orientation and of the Lie...
Extinction as a tool to find distances to X-ray sources
Finding distances in astronomy is notoriously difficult. With accurate optical spectroscopy, both the distance to and extinction (reddening) of normal stars can...
Extinction corrections in ground based infrared spectrometry
Calculations of atmospheric transmission through the M (5 microns) atmospheric window, at a resolution of 10 to the 3rd power are presented for sites at the...