It is foreseen that in the near future we will be able to measure the light from extrasolar planets similar to the Earth. When these data become available, a...
Expanding our horizon: probing the architecture of planetary systems with HARPS and TESS
In order to understand the formation and evolution of small terrestrial planets not only their internal structure but also the architecture of their host system...
Expansion distances to the symbiotic Miras He 2-104 and He 2-147
We propose to measure the expansion parallax of the nebulae around the binary symbiotic Miras He 2-104 {the Southern Crab} and He 2-147 by means of high...
Expansion distances to the symbiotic Miras He 2-104 and He 2-147
We propose to measure the expansion parallax of the nebulae around the binary symbiotic Miras He 2-104 {the Southern Crab} and He 2-147 by means of high...
Expansion distances to the symbiotic Miras He 2-104 and He 2-147
We propose to measure the expansion parallax of the nebulae around the binary symbiotic Miras He 2-104 {the Southern Crab} and He 2-147 by means of high...
Expansive components in HII regions (Relano+, 2005)
The galaxies NGC 3359, NGC 6951 and NGC 1530 were observed with the TAURUS-II Fabry-Perot interferometer at the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope (WHT) on La...
OSIRIS, the main optical (360-1000nm) 1st-generation instrument for GTC, is being integrated. Except for some grisms and filters, all main optical components...
Expected performance and simulated observations of the instrument HARMONI at the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT)
HARMONI has been conceived as a workhorse visible and near-infrared (0.47-2.45 microns) integral field spectrograph for the European Extremely Large Telescope...