EMIR is the NIR imager and multiobject spectrograph being built as a common user instrument for the GTC and it is currently entering in the integration and...
EMIR is the NIR multi-object imager and spectrograph for the GTC (Gran Telescopio Canarias). The instrument PDR phase was held successfully in March 2003, and...
EMIR is a NIR multiobject spectrograph with imaging capabilities to be used at the GTC. A general description of instrument performances, as well as the updated...
I present an overview of the types of science programs that may be feasible with EMIR. This is biased toward high-z studies and is not exhaustive. I then...
EMIR (Espectrógrafo Multiobjeto Infrarrojo) is a wide-field, near-infrared, multi-object spectrograph, with image capabilities, which will be located at the...
EMIR upgrade: installing a new Hawaii 2RG detector
http://research.iac.es/proyecto/emir/ {EMIR} is one of the first common user instruments for the GTC, the 10 meter telescope operating at the Roque de los...
EMIR, the GTC NIR multi-object imager-spectrograph
EMIR, currently entering into its fabrication and AIV phase, will be one of the first common user instruments for the GTC, the 10 meter telescope under...
EMIR is one of the first common-user instruments for the GTC, the 10-meter telescope operating at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma, Canary...