Definition of a Distribution Format for X-ray Data
X-ray data from the ROSAT satellite will be distributed to Guest Observers on FITS tapes. The precise contents and format of the tape were chosen bearing the...
Deformable mirror controller for open-loop adaptive optics
A Deformable Mirror Controller (DMC) has been devised to overcome the open-loop nature of Multi Object Adaptive Optics (MOAO), in particular for AO systems with...
Deformable mirrors for the EST testbed: testing and characterization
The European Solar Telescope is a 4-m class solar telescope planned to include a multi-conjugate adaptive optics system (MCAO) for high spatial resolution over...
Deforming the Lie algebra of vector fields on $S^1$ inside the Lie algebra of pseudodifferential symbols on $S^1$
We classify nontrivial deformations of the standard embedding of the Lie algebra $Vect(S^1)$ of smooth vector fields on the circle, into the Lie algebra~$PD(S^1...
Deforming the Lie algebra of vector fields on $S^1$ inside the Poisson algebra on $dot T^*S^1$
We study deformations of the standard embedding of the Lie algebra $Vect(S^1)$ of smooth vector fields on the circle, into the Lie algebra of functions on the...
Coble defined in his 1929 treatise invariants for cubic surfaces and quartic curves. We reinterpret these in terms of the root systems of type E_6 and E_7 that...
Demonstration of Chromospheric Magnetic Mapping with CLASP2.1
Probing the magnetic nature of the Sun's chromosphere requires measurement of the polarization profiles of relevant magnetically sensitive spectral lines, many...
This is the first version of a complete near-IR point source catalogue towards the Magellanic Clouds extracted from the data obtained with the DEep Near...