The authors review briefly the observational status of abundance determinations for those elements produced in the first seconds of a "standard" Big Bang...
Cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background: Latest Results from the PLANCK satellite and the QUIJOTE experiment
This talk presents an overview of the recent results derived from the observations of the ESA's Planck mission and the QUIJOTE experiment. The Planck 2018...
CosmoSys-Req: a free open-source requirements management tool
Text-based requirements management tools are widely used in engineering today. The concept behind it is quite simple, but this simplicity does not mean that...
Cospatial Longslit UV-Optical Spectra of Ten Galactic Planetary Nebulae with HST STIS: Description of observations, global emission-line measurements, and empirical CNO abundances
This poster describes details of HST Cycle 19 (program GO 12600), which was awarded 32 orbits of observing time with STIS to obtain the first cospatial UV...
We obtained long-slit spectroscopy of the Sb NGC 7331 and the barred NGC 5728 galaxies at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope with the ISIS spectrograph. We...