We propose to continue a northern sky program using high resolution, moderate S/N spectra to discover the chemically oldest stars - ultra metal-poor dwarfs and...
A Deep Learning Approach to photospheric Parameters of CARMENES Target Stars
We construct an individual convolutional neural network architecture for each of the four stellar parameters effective temperature (Teff), surface gravity (log...
A deep learning approach to photospheric parameters of CARMENES target stars
In the light of more and more new instrumentation to get a deeper insight into the universe, tons of data are collected. While traditional machine-learning...
A deep observation of the ultraluminous X-ray source IC 342 X-1
Our recent detection of compact radio emission at the position of the ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) IC 342 X-1 suggests the presence of an outflow in this...
A deep search for the host galaxies of GRBs with no detected optical afterglow
Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) pinpoint star-forming galaxies as they are linked to the deaths of massive stars. In most cases, these galaxies have been found to...
A deep, precise determination of the substellar mass function and its radial dependence in the open cluster IC 2391 from a multiband optical-infrared survey