URCA Process in Neutron Stars with Superstrong Magnetic Fields
We calculate the emissivity for the direct URCA process in strongly magnetized, degenerate matter in neutron stars, under beta -equilibrium. We show that, if...
This atlas shows the locations of and gives information about optical telescopes used for astronomical research in the United States as of late 1986. Those...
Use of 3D printing in astronomical mirror fabrication
In this paper we are exploring the possibilities of 3D printing in the fabrication of mirrors for astronomy. Taking the advantages of 3D printing to solve the...
Use of a finite state machine approach for sequence control in the GREGOR infrared spectrograph (GRIS)
Due to the complexity of scientific instruments, such as spectropolarimeters, managing instrument sequences can be challenging. To address this problem, a...
Use of high resolution IUE spectra of MG 2 in cool stars to probe the local interstellar medium
It is shown that, given suitable radial velocity values for the stars and the local interstellar medium (LISM) interstellar absorption can be distinguished from...
Use of satellite data for astronomical site characterization
The main goal of this work is the analysis of new approaches in order to study the properties of astronomical sites. The objective is to calibrate the...
The authors have shown how two extensive stellar spectral libraries of very high quality obtained with telescopes of small size can help us in determining the...