Triggering of Cloud Collapse in a Galactic Disk by Infall of a High Velocity Cloud
We express in linearized form the five classical coupled equations representing the rotating gas disk of a standard disk galaxy. We solve them in three limiting...
Triple-Double Radio Galaxies: Clues for understanding recurrent AGN activity
Using LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS), we discovered three cycles of episodic jet activity (J1225+4011, Chavan et al. 2023, MNRAS) in a giant radio galaxy...
Tropospheric wind regimes and site topography effects: importance for site characterization
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) at La Palma (Canary Islands) is one of the two top sites selected for hosting the future European Large Telescope (ELT)...
TRUE2: establishing a detectability limit on hidden broad line regions
True Seyfert 2 candidates are those Seyferts galaxies whose optical spectral do not show broad lines, nevertheless in the X-ray domain, they exhibit some...
Truncated disc surface brightness profiles produced by flares
Previous studies have discarded that flares in galactic discs may explain the truncation that are frequently observed in highly-inclined galaxies (Kregel et al...