Swift is a first-of-its-kind multiwavelength transient observatory for GRB astronomy. It has the optimum capabilities for the next breakthroughs in determining...
The System Parameters of the Polars MR SER and ST LMi
We obtain the Na I lambda 8183,8195 absorption line radial velocity curves for the polars ST LMi and MR Ser, from which we find the semi-amplitudes to be Kabs...
The Tc Trend In The Zetta Reticuli System: N Spectra – N Trends.
It is suggested that the chemical abundance trend with the condensation temperature, Tc , can be a signature of rocky planet formation or accretion. Recently, a...
Using a large amount of data gathered during previous seeing campaign at ORM, we analyse the temporal evolution of seeing in order to find out whether...
The Temporal Evolution of Linear Fast and Alfvén MHD Waves in Solar Coronal Arcades
The excitation and temporal evolution of fast and Alfvén magnetohydrodynamic oscillations in a two-dimensional coronal arcade are investigated. The approach is...
The TESS TTV Follow-up Program: Revealing Volatile-Rich Terrestrial Planets Around M Stars
Models predict that water-rich planets may be common around low-mass stars, but definitive evidence for the existence of water worlds has remained elusive...