
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Takaaki Kajita
    The Japanese physicist Takaaki Kajita is one of the leading world experts in neutrino physics. These particles have a very tiny mass, and they hardly interact with other kinds of matter. This elusive quality meant that for many years after their prediction their existence was in doubt, even though they are the most abundant elementary particles in the universe. However since the 1950’s not only have they been detected, but it has been shown that there are several types of neutrinos, and that studying them could be the key to solving important puzzles about the origin of matter in the
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  • Participants and attendees at DNC 2019. Credit: Iván Jiménez (IAC)
    Last Tuesday, in the Tenerife Space for the Arts (TEA) in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the IAC celebrated the XI edition of the Day of Our Science, an annual meting at which the personnel present, for internal consumption, the latest novelties in its work, in research, technological development, and outreach, in order to promote discussions and collaborations between the different study groups and divisions of the Institute.
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  • A snapshot from a hydrodynamical simulation of the interior of a star
    Almost all massive stars explode as supernovae and form a black hole or neutron star. The remnant mass and the impact of the chemical yield on subsequent star formation and galactic evolution strongly depend on the internal physics of the progenitor star, which is currently not well understood. The theoretical uncertainties of stellar interiors accumulate with stellar age, which is particularly pertinent for the blue supergiant phase. Stellar oscillations represent a unique method of probing stellar interiors, yet inference for blue supergiants is hampered by a dearth of observed pulsation
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