
Media: Events and activities

  • Jorge Martín Camalich (left) and Carlos Hernández Monteagudo (right), researchers at the IAC and the organisers of the present edition of the School, with Rafael Rebolo, Director of the IAC (middle).
    XXXIII Winter School of Astrophysics - organizers
  • Atendees at the XIII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics
    Atendees at the XIII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics
  • XXXIII Winter School of Astrophysics - Charla
    XXXIII Winter School of Astrophysics - Charla
  • Rafael Rebolo, Director of the IAC, during the inaugural lecture of the Winter School.
    XXXIII Winter School of Astrophysics - talk
  • Particle physics experiment at CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research): proton collision measured by the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment, candidate for the production of 1 Higgs.
    XXXIII Winter School of Astrophysics - CMS
  • Map of intensity and polarisation fluctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) provided by the Planck satellite.
    XXXIII Winter School of Astrophysics - Planck
  • Rafael Rebolo, Director of the IAC, giving the inaugural lecture of the Winter School.
    XXXIII Winter School of Astrophysics - Director IAC
  • Attendees at the talk "The history of the Universe in 24 hours" at IES Prof. Martín Miranda.
    Attendees at the talk "The history of the Universe in 24 hours" at IES Prof. Martín Miranda.
  • Talk "The history of the Universe in 24 hours" at IES Prof. Martín Miranda.
    Talk "The history of the Universe in 24 hours" at IES Prof. Martín Miranda.
  • Attendees at the talk "The history of the Universe in 24 hours" at IES San Matías.
    Attendees at the talk "The history of the Universe in 24 hours" at IES San Matías.