IAC NEWS, 2-2004 "Fotocósmica 2004"

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IAC NEWS, 2-2004 "Fotocósmica 2004". Summary: The mechanical structure of the GTC is completed. SS.AA. the Prince and Princess of Asturias visit the IAC. The hidden face of solar magnetism. THEMIS: looking at the Sun. How it distributed and what is the origin of carbon in the galaxy? How are the outer parts of dwarf galaxies? The Large Magellanic Cloud gives us some clues. Images of the Sun. Extra-solar planet. Planetary nebulae. Tycho Brahe's supernova. Interviews with Robert O'Dell and Virginia Trimble. First National Astrophotography Contest "Fotocósmica 2004". European Week of Science and Technology 2004 - La Palma. The Great Attractor. Humanity and the impacts of asteroids "Piedritas en la ventana". Sources of energy. Twilight tale of ancient Iberia.
