The Science Communication and Culture Unit, part of the Director's support team, is responsible for communicating to the public and media the scientific and technological activities of the IAC. It handles the promotion of the Observatorios de Canarias both nationally and internationally, communication to the media of the scientific and technical results via the web and social networks. It provides coverage of special events, printed and audiovisual matter, internal communications, the IAC brand, scientific and technical outreach at all levels, the training of specialized communicators and journalists, the training of secondary level teachers, outreach specifically aimed at Canarian society, collaborations with the the Science and Cosmos Museum, and cross-disciplinary projects combining astronomy with other areas of science.
"En un lugar del Universo…”, de AA. VV.
Esta publicación del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) recoge las contribuciones literarias y testimonios gráficos de grandes figuras de las letras...
"100 square moons" of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is an educational exhibition originated within the framework of the project "NIÉPCE: from...
(Only in Spanish) Inauguración de la exposición "20 años de Astronomía en La Palma" 12 Nov. 1999 Esta Exposición, organizada por el Instituto de Astrofísica de...
2000 Special. XII Winter School of Astrophysics "Spectropolarimetry in Astrophysics".
Every year, the Gabinete de Dirección publishes a special edition of IAC Noticias, in Spanish and English, dedicated to the Winter School, where the interviews...
2001 Special. XIII Winter School of Astrophysics "Cosmochemistry: the crucible of the elements".
2001 Special. XIII Winter School of Astrophysics "Cosmochemistry: the crucible of the elements". Every year, the Gabinete de Dirección publishes a special...
2nd International Meeting on Science with the GTC. Mexico welcomed the projects of Vanguard Science that will make the GTC with its first light instruments.
"Astromemory" Con motivo del Año Internacional de la Astronomía 2009, el Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos, del Organismo Autónomo de Museos y Centros del Cabildo...