The Science Communication and Culture Unit, part of the Director's support team, is responsible for communicating to the public and media the scientific and technological activities of the IAC. It handles the promotion of the Observatorios de Canarias both nationally and internationally, communication to the media of the scientific and technical results via the web and social networks. It provides coverage of special events, printed and audiovisual matter, internal communications, the IAC brand, scientific and technical outreach at all levels, the training of specialized communicators and journalists, the training of secondary level teachers, outreach specifically aimed at Canarian society, collaborations with the the Science and Cosmos Museum, and cross-disciplinary projects combining astronomy with other areas of science.
Educational resource
Unidad Didáctica sobre eclipses, realizada en colaboración con la FECYT. El término eclipse se aplica indistintamente a dos fenómenos, en realidad muy diversos...
Consists in direct transmission of astronomers at work on the IAC80 Telescope of the Observatorio del Teide (OT) to the I.E.S. seminar room or to museums...
La Vía Láctea es mucho más que una simple calle en la ciudad tinerfeña de La Laguna, pero no todos lo saben a ciencia cierta. En ella se estudian las estrellas...
"¡Astronomía, se rueda!" es la recopilación de las charlas y exposiciones impartidas por expertos en el curso que tuvo lugar (y que llevaba el mismo nombre) en...