A new research window in Solar Physics: Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry
A new research window in Solar Physics: Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry
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Trujillo Bueno
Winebarger et al (2017; ApJ
Observations obtained with CLASP of the intensity and polarization in the hydrogenLyman-alpha line of the solar radiation at 1216 Angstroms. LEFT PANEL: image of the region of the Sun observed by CLASP (1 arcsec corresponds to 725 km on the solar disk). The black line indicates the position of the slit of the spectro-polarimeter. RIGHT PANELS: for each point along this slit, the figure shows the wavelength variation of the intensity I (left panel) and of the fractional linear polarization Q/I (second and third panels) and U/I (panels fourth and fifth). The Stokes I parameter quantifies the intensity of the radiation for each wavelength, while the Stokes parameters Q and U quantify the linear polarization. See Kano, Trujillo Bueno, Winebarger et al. (2017; ApJ, 839, L10).